This package includes all the features all the tools you need for post-processing video recordings of machine or structural vibration. You can display, analyze & archive the time waveforms & frequency spectra extracted from a video, and then record clear color videos of the ODS animation created from the waveforms or spectra.
- Extracts accurate time waveforms of the surface motion in the video
- Unwanted portions can be cropped from the video
- ODS animation either from the time waveforms or frequency spectra
- Magnitude & phase of the ODS displayed for selected points
- Improve the brightness & contrast in the ODS video

Visual ODSTM
Visual ODS™ lets you see how a machine or structure is moving by animating Opertaing Deflection Shapes directly from a set of time waveforms or frequency domain experimental data.
- Interactively construct or import a 3D model of your test article
- Import time waveforms and frequency domain measurements, or acquire them directly from popular multi-channel acquisition hardware
- Interactive animated display and video recording of Operating Deflation Shapes

Visual ODS ProTM
This package adds a variety of Advanced Signal Processing features to a Visual ODS™ package. It includes an FFT and Inverse FFT so both time waveforms and frequency spectra can be post-processed using many popular signal processing functions.
- Integration, differentiation, and correlation of measurements or ODS’s and mode shapes
- Calculate H1 FRFs, H2 FRFs, multiple Outputs, multiple Inputs, ODS FRFs, Auto & Cross spectra, spectrograms
- Acoustic signal analysis including octave bands, acoustic intensity, sound power, A B C weighting, and more

Video ODS ProTM
This package includes all the features of a MEscope Videos™ package and adds Advanced Signal Processing. It includes an FFT and Inverse FFT so both time waveforms and frequency spectra can be post-processed using many popular signal processing functions.
- Extracts accurate time waveforms of the surface motion in the video
- Unwanted portions can be cropped from the video
- ODS animation either from the time waveforms or frequency spectra
- Magnitude & phase of the ODS displayed for selected points
- Improve the brightness & contrast in the ODS video

Visual ModalTM
This package includes all the features of a Visual ODS Pro™ package and contains all the basic tools you need for extracting modal parameters from experimental vibration measurements. By comparing the results from several different curve fitting methods, you can accurately identify the frequency, damping, and mode shape of the modes of a structure from experimental data.
- Single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) & multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) curve fitting
- Local & global FRF-based curve fitting
- Two different mode indicators for counting resonance peaks
- The exclusive Quick Fit method extracts all modal parameters in one step

Visual Modal ProTM
This package contains all the features of a Visual Modal™ package plus advanced multi-reference curve fitting methods for extracting the modal parameters of closely coupled modes, repeated roots, and local modes from multi-reference experimental data.
- Stability diagram with a choice of three different curve fitting methods
- Multi-Reference Quick Fit extracts all modal parameters in one step
- OMA-Operational Modal Analysis
- Shape Phase Normalization for comparison with FEA normal mode shapes
- Poles plot, shape Complexity plot, Magnitude Ranking plots

Visual STNTM
This package combines all the features of a Visual SDM Pro™ package with those of the MEscope Videos™ package and includes FEA modeling features. With it, you can extract mode shapes from vibration videos, from experimental vibration data, and from an FEA model. Then, using the mode shapes, you can explore a wide variety of structural modifications.
- Video Processing for extracting ODS’s and mode shapes
- All the curve fitting capabilities of MEscope for extracting mode shapes from experimental data
- Explore structural modifications using all the SDM tools in MEscope
- FEA model updating to more closely match FEA with experimental mode shapes

Visual SDMTM
With the Visual SDM™ package you can quickly investigate the effects of structural modifications on the modes of a structure. The new modes can then be used in MIMO calculations to determine the effect of structural modifications on overall vibration levels.
- Interactive graphical addition of structural modification elements to a structure model
- Modifications can be modeled using the following FEA elements; Point masses, linear springs and linear dampers, rod and beam elements, triangular and quadrilateral plate elements, tetrahedrons, prisms, and brick solid elements

Visual SDM ProTM
This package adds Structural Dynamics Modification (SDM) features to a Visual Modal Pro™ package. With it, you can extract modal shapes from experimental data using advanced curve fitting techniques, and then use the mode shapes to explore the effects of a wide variety of physical changes to a structure.
- Modifications using FEA masses, springs & damper elements, triangle & quad plate elements, prisms, tetras & brick elements
- Tuned Absorbers 🡺 suppress resonances with mass-spring-damper vibration absorbers
- Modal Sensitivity 🡺 calculate and order thousands of modifications to change the properties of one or more resonances to prescribed values